Munakata no Tokuzen (宗形徳善)

MUNAKATA no Tokuzen was a local ruling family in the Munakata region, Fukuoka Prefecture. Munakata (宗形) can also be written as '宗像,' '胸形,' '胸方,' or '胸肩' in Chinese characters. He was the father of Amakonoiratsume, a consort of Emperor Tenmu. He is believed to be a descendant of Atakatasumikoto.

Some historical material say that his father was Takamaru and the others says he was Motomaro, but in any case, there is no credibility.

His offspring succeeded to a priest of the Munakata-taisha Shrine. It is said that, in the era of Emperor Daigo, the post of the Shinto priest was handed over to Imperial Prince Koen, a son of Emperor Uda and then the Imperial Prince changed his name to MUNAKATA no Kiyouji to serve as Daiguji (the supreme priest).
(It is also said that the Imperial Prince Koen is a fictitious person created to revere Kiyouji, the first Daiguji of the Munakata-taisha Shrine.)

Some says that the first Daiguji was Dairyo (Chief district official) of Munakata, but it has no credibility.

[Original Japanese]